How Do Glass Break Sensors Work

How do Glass Break Sensors improve to your security?
Both home and business owners need to keep their property safe. The urgency of this need varies depending on the crime rate in the area you live in and how big of a target your business or home is. Cameras, door alarms and even high-tech laser systems exist to protect you and your home, but have you considered using a glass break sensor?
A common burglar entry point not often known is a backdoor.
For eg, if you own a jewelry shop or designer clothes store with items on sale, someone could theoretically wait for everyone to be gone for the day, then break the window, fill a valuable bag and leave in a minute or less.
What Is a Glass Break Sensor?
You can likely imagine the ways that one of these devices could provide an extra level of security, but it may not be clear exactly how they function. By gaining a better understanding of how they work, you can decide whether they would be a useful addition to your property’s security system.
A glass break sensor, also known as a glass break detector, is a type of electronic burglar alarm. Either by sound or by a broken circuit, it detects when glass is shattered, such as when a window is broken into. This automatically sets off an alert, such as sounding an audio alarm or notifying the authorities.
Glass break devices are normally not stand-alone, but are often used in a robust monitoring framework.
How sensor splits work
The microphone on a glass break sensor is attached to the detector circuitry, which responds to the vibrations.
Depending on the configuration of the home, a single system will cover all windows in a house.
The sensor type is a shock sensor.
Setting Up Glass Split Sensors
Microphone placement is crucial, and a specialist usually performs the entire setup process.
Where to Place Microphone
In most setups, the microphone does not need to be facing the glass surface that is at risk. In any room with windows that you want to monitor, it usually suffices to have the microphone set up on the ceiling or on a wall.
Many rooms could be at greater risk of window break-ins.
Glass sliding door
Display windows
Bedroom windows
Bathroom windows
Basement windows
Without a basement door, a burglar will be most likely to try one of those windows.
One useful application of a glass break indicator would be in a shop where a glass display case houses products.
Things to look our for with glass break sensors
When you are using a microphone-shattering glass break tracker, you might want to disarm it at all times:
-Such microphones are also so sensitive that the sound of glass breaking will activate them while a video is playing.
-Likewise, noisy music may also produce noises that could deceive a glass break sensor’s microphone, causing an unwelcome warning.
-When you have research done in your home environment, any of the instruments used can emit high frequencies that will activate less-advanced detector systems.
-When you have dinner or party guests, the sound of a fallen glass or dish split might possibly be enough to activate a detector.
If you do need to disarm the system at any point, it is important to remember to re-arm it when things are back to normal. Otherwise, you will have an expensive piece of technology sitting around doing nothing.
Protection of your property is crucial, and a broken window will allow access to intruders. Now that you know more about window break technology you can decide if it’s right for you. Home Shield Alarm wants you to make informed decisions when it comes to your home security, so please don’t hesitate to give us a call with any questions. Don’t forget to ask about our daily specials!